Select Stage Scene

Stage_Select Instead of directly going into the game by clicking the SinglePlay button, we made a stage-select scene where each stage will be unlocked if the previous stage is cleared.

Stage_Select Also, the status(clear, high score) of each stage is available when the stage is clicked in the stage-select scene.

In-game View

Stage1 The rhythm and shooting player view is separated into two different screens instead of overlapping the rhythm player’s screen on the shooting player’s screen.

There are UI of supplies(health/ammo) between the two player’s screens so that both players can interact, and communicate with each other.

Game Over

Game_Over When the player’s HP hits 0, the result UI for the game over appears, and shows the score, the high score of that stage, and other buttons.

Stage Clear

Stage_Clear When all enemies are eliminated and the song has ended, stage clear UI appears. Stage Clear UI is similar to the game over UI, additional “Next Stage” button is included.

Stage_Clear Return to the stage-select scene, it is possible to see the stage 2 is unlocked.

In-game Options

Options When the “ESC” button is clicked, the option UI appears, the options are,


  • Background Volume
    • Adjust background music volume
  • Sound Effect Volume
    • Adjust sound effect volume
  • Mouse Sensitivity
    • Adjust mouse sensitivity


  • Sound Effect Test Button
    • Plays test sound for sound effect volume
  • Retry Stage
    • Resets current stage and starts a new stage
  • Stage Select
    • Return to stage-select scene
  • Return Main
    • Return to main scene.