Beats Bang (7) Boss (1) Lobby (1) Multi Play (1) Prototype (1) Relay (1) Rhythm (2) Server (1) Single Play (2) Technical issue (1) brainstorming (2) idea (3)

 Beats Bang (7)

First Prototype
Character Design, Prototype Model and 2d assets
Rhythm Game Basics
Multiplay Prototype
Changes in game view & Single Play
Refined storyboard
Initial storyboard

 Boss (1)

Changes in game view & Single Play

 Lobby (1)

Multiplay Prototype

 Multi Play (1)

Multiplay Prototype

 Prototype (1)

First Prototype

 Relay (1)

Multiplay Prototype

 Rhythm (2)

Character Design, Prototype Model and 2d assets
Rhythm Game Basics

 Server (1)

Multiplay Prototype

 Single Play (2)

First Prototype
Changes in game view & Single Play

 Technical issue (1)

Changes in game view & Single Play

 brainstorming (2)

Refined storyboard
Initial storyboard

 idea (3)

Changes in game view & Single Play
Refined storyboard
Initial storyboard